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Motherboard for Mining BTC79X5 V1.0 x5 PCI-E + Xeon E5-26 CPU + 4GB DDR3 Ram
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BTC79X5 V1.0 Motherboard for Mining x5 PCI-E + Xeon E5-26 CPU + 4GB DDR3 Ram
Motherboard usually used for mining or distributed computing on GPU, it has 5 PCI-E slots
Included with the board is a refurbished XEON E5-26 CPU and a 4GB DDR3 Ram bank
Package contents:
- BTC79X5 V1.0 Motherboard - New
- XEON E5-26 Processor - Refurbished
- 4GB DDR3 Ram Bank - Refurbished
2 Items